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Friend Don't You Worry

About the song 


This song is an invitation to release unnecessary burdens, to open our eyes to the beauty hiding beneath the fear of change, and to embrace the rhythm of life with joy.

The lyrics came to me during the start of COVID 19. I was unaware that my relationship at the time was coming to an end. When I wrote it, it felt like I was talking to a friend. It's only several months later, after the full closure of this romantic cycle, that I realized I was actually talking to myself through those words. “Friend Don’t You Worry” served as a gentle reminder that every cycle eventually comes to an end, and that life supports me even when it feels like everything is going wrong.


This song, for me, embodies the feeling of a deep breath: soothing, full of hope, and vitality. I imagine the sun rising and roots spreading — symbols of renewal and growth.





​Written by : Tristan Delabroye
Performed by :
AZUR - guitar & lead vocals
Mia - lead vocals

Laetitia Francoz Lévesque - violin
Emma Anders - percussions

Produced and Recorded by : Emma Anders at Jamhouse Studio
Mixed by: Alexy Guérer
Mastered by: Sonny Black

​Cover Art by: Mia Alice Leonard 


Released on December 6th, 2024

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