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Under the Moon (EP)
Emma Anders

About the EP


‘Under the Moon’ is an ode to the Earth and to our one big family sharing this colourful life. A blend of musical genres travelling around a world without borders, each of the 5 songs have their own special story. Honouring our connection to all that is - to the rivers, the forests, the rocks and the bees, to the winds that come our way and all the other living teachers that surround us - and speaking to the power of community and togetherness, to resilience, to the beauty of sisterhood and to the wild woman dancing deep inside of us, to the wisdom of children and the magic of curiosity, to the wisdom of elders and the power of story-telling, to the moon and back and out to the furthest star that knows this same life - I share with you, Under the Moon.



All Songs Written, Composed & Arranged by EMMA ANDERS
Recorded & Mixed by ALEXY GUERER

(except for Feels Like Home) 
Mastered by RYAN MOREY



Released in May 2019

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